River City Matchmakers specializes in helping local singles meet and date quality individuals that match their values, interests and life goals. We are part of the largest personal matchmaking network in Arkansas with local offices located in Little Rock.
At River City Matchmakers, we meet with every client face-to-face in our local office. We take the time to get to know you, to understand your relationship goals and to find out what is most important to you in the people you want to date. Utilizing your matchmaking and personality profile our experienced Personal Matchmaking Team will hand screen introductions that match your predetermined values, interests, and life goals. This ensures you meet real, local singles that are compatible for dating. As we like to say here at River City Matchmakers, "Isn't it time to live, laugh and love again?"
We Do All The Work, You Have All The Fun!
People turn to us because they're tired of game playing and are serious about finding a relationship. Our matchmaking system cuts out the game playing of online dating and gimmicks of speed and lunch dating services. Get out of the dating game and let a Personal Matchmaker go to work for you.
What are you waiting for? River City Matchmakers is the best way to meet quality local singles. STOP wasting time with online dating sites such as match.com, eharmony.com, ZOOSK.com, itsjustlunch.com, christianmingle.com, ourtime.com, and others. They aren't designed to help you meet real singles.
Joining your matchmaking service to find love was truly a different experience for me, being a single mother of two and a business owner, there was no time to meet Mr. Right. In the interview you don't only learn about what you want, but what you are truly looking for in a mate. My matchmaker is always so sweet and made my experience a great one. My very first match was with a gentleman named Brendon; at first sight, night and day from what I have ever dated, now I know that's what made us mesh so well. From our 1st date till now our conversations just flow. We have a great connection and I can see why they matched us up.
Please place my account on hold as I'd like to see where this goes. Without my matchmaker I would have never met this amazing man.
Thank you,
“When I first met Alyssa she took my breath away. She immediately captivated me with her knowledge and charm. Her strong independence and humor make her a joy to know. Stunning beauty, intelligence, and honesty don't come close to doing who she is justice. Inside and out she is an amazing woman.
Working with you and this company has been a joy. The fact that you care more than just doing a job makes the difference. I would like to put a hold on my membership to further get to know Alyssa.
“Hi Sabrina,
I have really enjoyed working with you in this endeavor to find the woman who would be a good fit for me. I love our conversations and you are always sincere, hardworking and conscientious about finding me the right woman. I couldn’t be happier to have you as my matchmaker and I don’t hesitate to give you the highest grade for customer satisfaction that I can give.
You successfully introduced me to a wonderful woman who I have grown very fond of in a relatively short period of time. Debbie is most of all a great conversationalist who is very interesting and exudes warmth, caring, giving and sincerity in her wonderful personality. We fell for each other from our telephone conversations before we ever met in person. The “icing on the cake” is that Debbie is a very physically attractive / gorgeous lady - just what I told you I was looking for - and you gave me exactly what I was looking for.
I have to admit that I was impatient at times. But you kept telling me you would introduce me to someone who would meet my requirements for a good fit. So, it took seven matches and the seventh one has turned out to be magical. I truly believe there is a very good chance that my relationship with Debbie will be long-term and for this, Sabrina, I am very grateful for your efforts.
Consequently, I would like to confirm what I told you that I would like to place my membership on hold. Debbie is the woman I’m looking for and we need some time to get to know each other better.
The only regret I have is that I’m going to miss talking to you and our probative and in-depth conversations. I am truly appreciative of your efforts in matching me with a woman that I may very well spend the rest of my life with.
“Hi Brie,
I wanted to confirm that I am placing my account oh hold.
Thank you for introducing me to Tony. He has been such a gentleman, easy to talk to, can carry a conversation, has good values for friends and family and has been great to get better acquainted with. So far, everything is great, I have seen him every day since we have originally met. I will keep you posted on the progress and let you know when the wedding is.
You have taken the time to get to know me, what I like, dislike and what will work for me in a successful relationship. If I only knew it could be this easy, I would have called you years ago. You truly have the magic touch for helping people find a life partner for happiness!
Thanks a million!!!!